Ticket numbering customization


This feature is available in version 1.5.5 and above.

Ticket number is used to identify a ticket:

  • in e-mail notifications

  • on the edit and view forms

  • in ticket list views.

Sometimes it can be useful to make custom numbering. For example, to distinguish tickets from different HelpDesk, or to include additional information to the ticket number (date, time, department name).

You can configure tickets numbering.

Navigate to the Settings page using the left navbar:

Then click on the Ticket numbering button. Now you can see the ticket numbering settings.

Ticket numbering settings page

Formula customization

By default, the formula is {{IDCounter}}, so tickets are numbered as “1”, “2” etc.

A formula must contain {{IDCounter}} token and may contain optional {{CurrentDate}} token.

{{IDCounter}} is an HelpDesk-wide ticket counter.

{{CurrentDate}} is current date/time.

You can use {{CurrentDate:format}} syntax to show only part of current date/time.


Example formula

Example Ticket number


IT {{IDCounter}} {{CurrentDate:t}}

IT 123 9:34 PM


IT {{IDCounter}} {{CurrentDate:d}}

IT 123 2/15/2019


IT {{IDCounter}} {{CurrentDate:HH-mm}}

IT 123 21-34

Learn more about standard or custom format strings.

As you can see, {{CurrentDate:HH-mm}} will show only hours and minutes in 24h format. So, you can change formula to IT {{IDCounter}} {{CurrentDate:HH-mm}}.

Custom formula

In this case new tickets will be numbered as “IT 31 09-19”, “IT 32 09-21”, “IT 33 09-22” etc

Custom ticket numbering demo

Reset IDCounter

You can reset IDCounter value using “Reset IDCounter” button. For example, It may be useful if you are moving from test to production use.

Click “Advanced settings” to see current IDCounter value.

Ticket numbering settings page expanded

Click “Reset IDCounter” to reset IDCounter to zero.


Use this option only if you are absolutely sure that there are no tickets with a new counter value in HelpDesk. Otherwise, it will lead to the appearance of tickets with duplicate IDs.

Learn how to customize HelpDesk: